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The Educational Project for the Children of Madagascar is about providing them with the conditions for proper development through sports, music, access to the library and team activities!
We are implementing this project with the Malagasy Association Atelier de Dieu.

Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in Africa. 78% of the population lives in extreme poverty. The statistics presented by global organisations such as UNICEF and WHO are alarming: 25% of children between the ages of 5 and 17 are exploited in wage labour, which includes prostitution.

The Atelier de Dieu Association provides the children with basic education and food. We now want to go a step further and, by creating a sports club and a music club, allow the children to experience childhood without being forced to work. To help them to develop their psycho-physical development in harmony, to develop their talents and various skills. This is also the way to shape their characters, and teach them perseverance and teamwork skills.
Clubs are being set up at the St Ursula School Complex in Mampikony (affiliated with the Atelier de Dieu Association). Many places in Madagascar lack any development opportunities. We are determined to change this! The clubs are intended to be a place where children and young people from the Mampikony district can spend their free time developing their passions and skills.

The music club will include singing and choir lessons, learning to play guitars, drums and keyboards, for all willing children. Every Wednesday and Saturday the children will polish their musical talents under the guidance of teachers. We plan to cover 80 children, with whom we will form a school choir. Some of them will also learn to play the guitar, others the keyboard and drums. They will be supervised by both teachers from St Ursula School and qualified and talented musicians. Local teachers will be employed for the project.
The sports club is the organisation of regular sports activities for children and young people in different age groups, learning team games, going to tournaments and, above all, organising time, providing development and an alternative to using children for work. It is a venture for more than 200 children in different age groups (from 6 to 15 years old) who, under the guidance of coaches, will learn healthy competition through football and basketball. We also intend to organise excursions and tournaments through which the youngsters will be able to test their abilities and efforts so far. As part of the project, we plan to purchase 20 footballs and basketballs, 5 full training accessories for the coaches and children, sets of sportswear, salaries for 5 teachers and the organisation of an annual tournament.

A library funded by our Foundation is also being set up at the aforementioned school, which will be used by the school's pupils and all children interested in literature.
We are creating a library to support, first of all, the Children looked after by the Atelier de Dieu Association, and then all the other pupils in Mampikony who would like to learn about the world through the lens of books.

We would like the Charges to see that reading, sport, music and team activities can change their lives. We believe that with your help this will become possible.
All of this is possible thanks, among other things, to the extraordinary people who participate in the TICKET TO A BETTER LIFE project.
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Kabula, like many people with albinism in Tanzania and other African countries, lived in constant fear for her life. Today she is studying and planning to study law, in order to support people who do not have the strength and resources to defend themselves in the future. Help change the lives of mor
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Na Madagaskarze 25% dzieci od 5. do 17. roku życia wykorzystywanych jest do pracy zarobkowej, która obejmuje również prostytucję. Dołącz do wsparcia Projektu Edukacyjnego dla Dzieci, aby dać Im szansę na dzieciństwo bez przymusowej pracy. Razem możemy dać Im lepszą przyszłość.
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