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If you decide to donate, you will receive a personalized UNAWEZA PASSPORT every month as a thank you!
Our Mission
WE HELP WOMEN SPREAD THEIR WINGS by providing them with equal economic, social and legal opportunities. We offer them access to education, healthcare and help make their dreams come true.
I’ve been travelling the world over for years. I’ve met many incredible women. Although we were born in different parts of the world, we have different skin color and we may have different beliefs, we have a lot in common despite these differences. We all want to love and be loved, to grow, and provide a better life for our children. We need to feel safe to be able to study and grow. However, many women have not been as lucky as others.
We can change this now!
Ever since I remember, after every episode of my show “WOMAN AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD” you would ask me: “How can I help? Is there anything we can do?” Over the years, together with my Friends from the editorial office and thanks to your incredible support, we have held charity fundraisers for the heroines of the show. IT IS TIME TO SPREAD OUR WINGS! This is why we founded the UNAWEZA Foundation.
Where does the exotic-sounding name come from? In the summer of 2014 in Tanzania, on the day I met Kabula, our first beneficiary and today also my adopted daughter, I attended a Swahili class with her. I saw the word UNAWEZA written in pretty handwriting in Kabula's notebook and was intrigued by it. “What does it mean?” I asked. “YOU CAN!” Kabula responded in a strong and confident voice.
Each of us can.
How can you help?
Visit the UNAWEZA Foundation’s FB and Instagram profiles. Join our community, read our posts and share our campaigns so that more and more people can find out about what we are doing together.
Visit our website and read the stories of the women and children we are helping. You can support them with a one-off donation or declare a monthly payment and join the TICKET TO A BETTER LIFE program and become part of the growing group of people who have decided to help others. Remember that no donation is too small, they all count!
You cannot change the world on your own. This is why I would like to ask you to join the BECOME A FRIEND OF THE FOUNDATION project so that together we can embark on a JOURNEY TO A BETTER WORLD, a world we can begin building right now. It is an opportunity for all those who do not fear challenges and want to accompany me on my long-term mission to change the world.
There will be more and more interesting projects and campaigns that you can get involved in, so let’s stay in touch :-)
The impossible doesn’t exist in the UNAWEZA world!

Statutory objectives of the UNAWEZA Foundation
The objectives of the Foundation are organizing and providing aid via the performance of public benefit activities, entailing the provision of financial and legal help, enabling access to education, fulfilment of housing needs, health needs and other needs related to living, and providing women, families, children and youth from all over the world with equal opportunities.
The Foundation carries on activities in the field of public benefit services via accomplishing the following objectives:
- Carrying on operations aimed at providing women, families and children all over the world with equal opportunities;
- Providing social services all over the world in favor of women, families and children experiencing a difficult living and financial situation;
- Providing aid all over the world with the aim of improving living and housing conditions;
- Funding health needs of women, families and children all over the world;
- Carrying on operations to support the education of children and youth all over the world via making education accessible to children from the poorest families;
- Running projects all over the world aimed at promoting schooling and education;
- Activities providing technical, training, communication or financial assistance to non-governmental organizations all over the world within the scope specified in this Section of the Bylaws.
The Foundation fulfils its objectives via: - Holding and supporting auctions and public fundraisers aimed at acquiring financing of the objectives of the Foundation;
- Transferring the funds obtained to fulfil the needs specified by the Foundation objectives;
- Organizing and providing broadly defined social services;
- Co-financing the costs of medical treatment for children;
- Running humanitarian, developmental and social education also as part of international cooperation.
In order to fulfil its objectives, the Foundation may support the operations of other legal persons or natural persons whose objectives are similar to those of the Foundation.
Martyna Wojciechowska
President of the Foundation Board
Marta Grajeta
Member of the Foundation Board
Małgorzata Stafin
Strategic Director
Anna Habdas
PR and Social Media Manager
Tymid – Our intern
Hanka Jewsiewicka
Foundation Board
Ewa Marcinowska
Rada Fundacji
Jowita Baraniecka-Ogden
Rada Fundacji
Karolina Wesołowska
Foundation Board
Marta Skorupska
Managerka ds. projektów Fundacji UNAWEZA
Zuzanna Tuliszka
Menadżerka ds. strategii i komunikacji MŁODE GŁOWY
Fundacja UNAWEZA
ul. Barszczewska 11/2, 01-654 Warszawa
Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy w Warszawie
XIII Wydział Gospodarczy
KRS: 0000800698, NIP: 5252799347
PLN: 43 1160 2202 0000 0003 8704 9430
IBAN: PL 43 1160 2202 0000 0003 8704 9430
EUR: 76 1160 2202 0000 0003 8704 9612
USD: 90 1160 2202 0000 0003 8704 9554